Modeling Guidelines
* Arrive on time - a 15 minute grace period is acceptable as long as a phone call or text is made to inform client, photographer and/or stylist that you're running late.
* Arrive with clean skin, teeth & hair (for women, unless otherwise requested wash hair the night before). Face may have moisturizer and sunscreen only. No makeup. Please wear deodorant and have fresh breath. Please be well rested and well hydrated.
* Part of a model's job is to maintain his/her appearance. Skin must be free of blemishes. If you have one little pimple that popped up overnight, that's understandable. If your skin is riddled with acne, you may be sent home and referred to a dermatologist.
* Women should have clean fingernails and toenails either with a fresh French manicure, nude polish, clear polish or no polish. If you wear gels and have a colored polish, please check with the makeup artist and photographer if the color you're wearing will be ok. Do not arrive with chipped polish or a tired gel manicure that needs to be redone. Men should have clean nails, but no polish and no buffing of nails.
* For women, legs and underarms and bikini area (if doing swimwear, lingerie, nudes, etc) should be cleanly shaven or waxed ideally 48 hours before the shoot to avoid redness and bumps. If you have dark hair, consider investing in laser hair removal. There is nothing more unsightly than stubble on a woman's bikini line or underarms, and it takes a lot of work for the photographer to retouch it. For men, if you're a fitness model, consider laser hair removal or at the very least, waxing 2-3 days before the shoot.
* If you have tan lines and are doing body/swimsuit/athletic modeling, consider getting a spray tan before the shoot. You will look thinner, healthier and more muscular with a spray tan. If you arrive with drastic tan likes, the MUA will charge extra to cover your entire body in bronzer and/or the photographer may charge extra for retouching.
* Please bring your own refreshments and snacks. The photographer may be courteous and provide water and snack, however he is not required to do so.
* A model's job is to sell a product - whether that is clothing, a car or a luxury resort - you are there to sell someone else's product. This is NOT about you. You do not get to have a favorite side, a favorite pose, or a favorite smile/pout. Your job is to wear what you are asked to wear, have your hair and makeup done the way the client and/or photographer want it to be done, and to pose the way they ask you to pose. If you have restrictions on what you will and won't do, you should make that clear PRIOR to being hired or committing to a photo shoot. If you wish to pay for the photographer, stylist and makeup artist, THEN you are entitled to creative input.
* If you don't like your nose, your smile, or some other body part, the obvious question is why do you want to be a model? Models are continually scrutinized and judged on their appearance. A professional model cannot take it personally that he/she is too tall, too short, too fat, too thin, has too big a nose, has a crooked tooth, etc. If you don't like the way you look, either change the way you look, or pick a career where you are not hired for your looks. The modeling industry is tough on self-esteem and you must remember that YOU are not being judged. You are being hired as a component in an image needed to sell a product. If you aren't part of the image the client has in mind, then you don't get hired no matter how perfect or imperfect you are.
* please be respectful of the creative team's time. If you're busy texting and checking your Instagram while the makeup artist is trying to apply your makeup, you're going to delay production and that costs money. If you're not easy to work with and respectful of the production team's time, you will not be hired again or referred to other jobs.
* Please discuss with photographer in advance about how many photoshopped images he/she will provide. You are not entitled to an endless number of retouched photos. Most photographers will offer one to three retouched images per look and charge anywhere from $20-$50 per retouched photo thereafter. Some photographers will provide you with a retoucher you can hire for additional images.
* You will most likely be asked to sign a photographic release. This is standard as the photographer owns the images and you have permission to use the photos on your social media and website. You do not have permission to sell the images or profit directly from the images, so don’t think you can upload the photos to Getty Images and make money off them. If the photographer chooses to sell images on Getty Images, he may do so, and it is customary that the photographer would sign a letter agreement providing the model with a 5-10% commission on any royalties he/she makes.
* Please discuss social media use and proper hash-tagging and mentioning of photos and make sure you have permission to post photos PRIOR to posting. This includes selfies and behind-the-scenes photos. Most photographers and clients have strict policies about what they would like associated with their brand, and they may want to keep the photoshoot under wraps until they have published the images themselves. If being paid, you are often required to add the hashtag #sponsored to your posts.
A woman's modeling kit (to bring to every shoot) should include the following items in very good to pristine condition:
nude panties, thong, bra, stockings (stay up preferred), nylons
black panties, thong, bra, stockings (stay up preferred), nylons
white panties, thong, bra
contemporary black pumps, nude pumps, and a strappy high heel in a neutral color (could be metallic). Shoes should be well maintained, not scuffed and with worn heels
bra inserts (gellies) should be provided by model
black mascara (if you prefer to use your own)
any special hair & skin products you prefer
a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss for after snacks and meals
a variety of accessories from simple gold stud earrings, to big bold earrings and necklaces, etc.
If you have a nice wardrobe, please share images of your wardrobe with the stylist or photographer before the shoot if you think you may be able to contribute to the look they are going for. When in doubt, bring a selection of new, clean and ironed clothing to assist the stylist and photographer in getting their desired look. On paid shoots, some clients/photographers may pay for wardrobe use. Compensation is ONLY if clothing is used and is very nominal (usually about $25/shoot not per look). If you have questions about this, ask in advance.
A man's modeling kit (to bring to every shoot) should include the following items in very good or new condition:
white underwear, undershirt and tank top
black underwear
an assortment of socks — white, tan, black, etc.
contemporary black dress shoes, brown dress shoes, neutral sneakers in well maintained condition (not scuffed, not worn heels)
a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss for after snacks and meals
personal grooming gear - razor, wahl clippers, hair products, etc.
a variety of accessories: belts, watches, bracelets, whatever you have that might enhance the look of the shoot.
If you have a nice wardrobe, please share images of your wardrobe with the stylist or photographer before the shoot if you think you may be able to contribute to the look they are going for. When in doubt, bring a selection of new, clean and ironed clothing to assist the stylist and photographer in getting their desired look. On paid shoots, some clients/photographers may pay for wardrobe use. Compensation is ONLY if clothing is used and is very nominal (usually about $25/shoot not per look). If you have questions about this, ask in advance.