Lennie offers portfolio building packages for models seeking to create a professional modeling portfolio. Packages range anywhere from 3-look half day packages to 6 look all day packages, and include makeup, light hair styling, light wardrobe styling, creative direction and photography. Depending on the photographer Lennie lines up for the shoot, photography can be in studio or on location.
Studio 3-look package (approx 4 hours): $450
Studio 6- look package (approx 7 hours): $750
Combination Location and Studio packages also available. Please inquire about rate as this depends on location and proximity to photographer’s studio.
From years of experience in the modeling business, Lennie can provide individual coaching to those interested in getting into the modeling business. This includes teaching you the expectations of a model, how to get an agent, personal grooming and presentation, portfolio building basics. Generally, Lennie suggests 1-2 hours of coaching will give a model all he or she needs to know to get ready to pursue this new and exciting career. Coaching is done in person at Lennie’s studio.
Coaching Rate: $80/hour
Every model should know how to do basic makeup so they can look their best on an audition or go-see. Lennie offers one-on-one makeup classes to teach you the basics of how you need to look to book the job.